Monday, November 30, 2009

The LORD Woke Me UP!

I have a lot to be thankful for on thanksgiving and even more to be thankful for this day. It is now 3:35 as I sit here in the basement of the lecture hall capturing the holiday footage and writing this blog. Before I continue let me just say it is by the Grace of God that I am here today and because of that I would like to you why.

This Thanksgiving was everything, but a break for me. Matter of fact schools shouldn't even call this holiday a Break unless they mean it literally because between Gas, School Work, my son, dealing with his mother, and having extra energy for my 2 nieces and nephew I WAS BROKE lol. Anyway Sunday comes and my sister convinces me that I'm to tired to hit the road not only that since I would be traveling back to Binghamton from the glorious New York City by myself this time around I should wait until other people are on the road so if I get lost I could ask for directions.

Although I listened to my intelligent sister I still managed to get lost Monday morning. It usually takes 3 hours to get to Binghamton I left at 8:15 in hopes to get to school in time for my first class at 12:00 p.m. Everything was going good until I reached some bridge then the directions I had in my hand got fussy. Missed a couple of exits and entered a couple of dead ends before I decided to ask someone other than GOD what was going on.

Many of times on my trip back I was led down blocks and billboards in where the Lord reminded me that his grace was upon me this day and although I was lost I felt comforted. God directed me to the right people in order to get me on the right path the only problem now was the time. It became 12:33 out of nowhere and fatigue started to kick in. My car only plays tapes so I borrowed many tapes from my sister about 30 before I left and played only 3 the whole trip. R&B and one Gospel tape was to my disposal. I felt myself getting tired so I pulled over to the side of the road and did what any normal thinking person would do...FELL ASLEEP.

1/2 an hour later I wake up to a call from my sons mother The call didn't go well, but I still had my Joy-
Back to the road. As I start to drive down 7W I see a sign that reads "Binghamton 87 miles". I gasped, but to my surprise or maybe not it came out as a YAWnnnn. I start blinking first for short periods of time then for loooooooooonger periods of time to the point where I was blacking out. I knew this wasn't safe, but I convinced myself to continue to drive (dumb Idea)! I doze off for 5 seconds and begin to drift off to the right. The off-road bumps help me to sleep until I wake up right before I'm about to hit the edge of the steel rail bar on the highway. PHEW. I start thanking the Lord. That could've been the end of my life, But it doesn't end there.

God was persistent in getting his point across. Not only in showing me it is by his Grace that I missed the steel rail bar, but that doing what I know is wrong...Is well WRONG. The next time I decide to doze off which is minutes after I wake up to me hitting over Orange cones about as tall as my car. I knock over 3 of them and this time Thank the LORD for WAKING ME UP!

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