Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Jesus Can't Save You? Life Starts When the Church Ends?

There has been a lot of controversy with the rapper by the name of Jay-Z. Some call him the Jigga Man and even Sean Carter, but He would like to refer to himself as "Hova"- Sound familiar? Let me just begin by saying this blog isn't about bashing his name, but simply pointing out some things I don't like about his lyrics on "Empire State of Mind" the track with Alicia Keys.

Since Jay-Z is my favorite rapper I know a lot about his lyrics and how in depth they go, but can we say "TOO FAR" on this track? I'll be playing the devils advocate, but I would like to know what you think.

“Hail Mary to the city you’re a virgin and Jesus can’t save you life starts when the church end”.

The Youth pastor: http://www.worldstarhiphop.com/videos/video.php?v=wshhnPzf17i6XTWDJDAj

goes in on this part of the verse which is expected, but it is to my belief he’s taking the verse "WAY" to Literal. He was on point with his statement until I heard him say- “According to Jay-Z life starts when the church ends so all the big churches you might as well shut it down because life can’t begin until the church ends”. WHAT?? I ride for Christ 110%, but being a fan of rap I also know the language. Metaphors and context make a big difference.

Before this particular verse he's speaking about certain females who are attracted to the lime light, ballers , rappers ect. "A city of sin it's a pity on the whim"..."Don't bite the apple Eve". What he's saying in these verses are actually true. Now fast forward to the "Jesus can't save you". NOW for everyone who thinks I'm agreeing with this statement let me tell you no I'm not- "JESUS can SAVE YOU" The story about Jesus and the Prostitute Luke 7:36 to 7:50. She got saved and there's tons of other testimonies- Like mine for example.

In context of the lyrics Jigga could've meant by the "Life starts when the church ends" verse is, for a lot of people deeply involved in the drug game, prostituting,ect after church it's back to the same lifestyle in a lot of cases. But in a lot of cases That's NOT the case. Jesus shows himself mighty to the broken hearted and those who have given up hope. Just because one goes to church and hears the word of God doesn't mean Jesus isn't working with them because the SEED has been planted. Once the seed has been planted God grows the seed- He is the director of all steps!

So IN CONCLUSION Even if the Jigga Man meant this he is STILL WRONG- He’s wrong because Jesus “CAN SAVE YOU”. And saying these lines LIE about GOD. If Jesus can't save you who can? He's Blatantly denying the fact that Jesus is the one who led them to church in the first place and what God starts as Alpha he finished as Omega. Case Closed.

Moral of the story- Jigga Man "Jesus Can Save You"


  1. I have had a lot of problems with some of the discussions about Jay-z I watched maybe two videos and was kind of disgusted. first of all if I go to church and the preacher started to talk about how demonic he his and how he got all his riches from the devil I would want to leave, the devil cant get anyone as far as Jay z gotten and why would he bother to help people at all . I am not a die hard jay z fan but he is one of the only rappers I listen to and albums I buy. But even I a person who knows nothing about 'the game' but is close to people who has been a part of it knows when these people have nothing it is hard for them to see god no matter how hard they look I feel he speaks to them and he tells the story of the lows of these people. this is what i would want to hear from the a preacher who should be helping me live right not telling me who is going to hell. this should inspire preachers to reach out to these people and let them know there is no doubt that jesus can save us. Even if to talk about the road to riches and the unhappiness, emptiness and hitting a low where people can feel like jesus can save you and what to do when you hit this bottom. I know why I listen to jay z and it is not to learn how to be a better christian you know what I mean maybe if this was the message I would understand but who are we to tell people whos going to hell. I know someone who is all about god, really involved in church all of it but there is something about this persons soul that is not god like, there is an evilness alive in there but I know that God has this person and no matter the things they have done to me and my family I am still polite and I dont send them to hell so these preacher need to be careful and really help people and their souls.

  2. Good question @ If Jesus can't save you who can? . I'd love for Jay Z to sit and discuss exactly what he meant by that line 'cause it's somewhat disturbing being spoken from a man whose, from what I can tell, is a very intelligent human being.

    Of course IF Jay were to set the record straight, whether right or wrong, I think it would help others to make a decision concerning what route they currently take.

    Great post!
